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Large Chevron Amethyst Tower

Large Chevron Amethyst Tower

Regular price $72.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $72.00 USD
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Chevron Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone, which is a great tool for lifting the veil that obscures the meaning of life. When you’re around the energies of this stone, you will gain more wisdom, and you will have most of the answers that you are searching for. Chevron-Amethyst aids in giving peace of mind.

When you’re surrounded by noise and chaos and you want a break from the hustle and bustle, this stone will give you peace and serenity.

It will promote relaxation and self-discovery. When your body and mind are at rest, you will have more opportunities to discover new things about yourself.

Having Chevron-Amethyst in your life is always ideal because this stone combines the enhancing and strengthening qualities of a Quartz with the stress-relieving qualities of an Amethyst.

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