Our Story
Where would I even begin if I were to tell the story of how all this came to be? I mean, I've always been called to this path since I was young. I lived in Ohio growing up, and my family was not wealthy by any means. I always had a fascination with rocks even as a kid. So when we moved to an apartment where the streets were lined with rocks, it made me day! There a bunch of pretty white sparkly rocks all up and down the road, and you can bet your butt I tried collecting them all!
I remember the first time we went to Cabela's! There were these large barrels of colored stones. I wanted to much to take them all! But I was content with holding them there and admiring them while I could.
It's this very fascination that grew into a passion! I read all kinds of books about rocks, and how they form. The different types of chemical and physical properties, composition and even atomic structures! It all interested me. Then one day while at the library I found a book about metaphysical properties. I had no idea what that was, but for whatever reason, it interested me very much so. Almost like it called to me. I would say that is what began my path into the craft.
Over time, my interests expanded and I learned about many, many things. I studied anything and everything spiritual and "woo woo". I read about the vast and many forms of Paganism from Wicca to Druidry, Animism and even Asatru. I studied about Buddhism, Taoism, and even Jainism. To me, knowledge became a thirst. I studied mainly in secret because my parents were (and still are) devout Christians. Even as a child I felt that if my family had known what I was studying, it would not have been looked upon very well and probably had some real bad consequences. My Dad always used to say "we don't believe in that woo woo shit around here". Little did he know how it would be a bedrock for many different pieces of my life!

My passion for learning and developing my craft has been with me my whole life. It's that passion that led me to create Witchology, LLC! This isn't just a business to me, it's my heart & soul and I put my love into everything I do! From the hours I spend curating and hand choosing all the various crystals I have available to the sacred tools I make with my very own hands fueled by the energies of love. My craft has become my way of life, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

If you have any questions whatsoever feel free to contact me any time right here!
Sending much Love, Light & Woo Woo - Witchology, LLC