The Energy Among Us
Let's talk energy for a bit!
I am a BIG believer in energy. To me, it's sort of everything. Take a moment and think about it. Every single thing in existence is made up of subatomic particles, which are parts of atoms, which make up matter! Literally little tiny microscopic bundles of energy!!
I read somewhere (a long time ago) that the amount of force it takes, exactly at the moment of procreation, is equal to that of an atomic bomb going off. That's a whole lot of energy, especially when you put it in perspective. One single atomic bomb completely decimated Hiroshima, and that amount of energy and force is what it takes to make a human. Mind blown!
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Our hearts, which pump due to an electrical impulse, over the average life span beats enough times for a truck to drive to the moon and back!
That is absolutely amazing! And people think that magick isn't real? We're floating in space on a living, breathing, rock circling a massive ball of hot gasses that generates the heat our whole planet uses to live and survive off of.
And every, single, particle of all of that, is energy. Every bit of it!
On top of that, all of that energy comes from the Universe. Whether it be plants, animals, humans, even the bodies of water right down to the air we breathe! Everything is energy, which is the binding force that connects us all. We are stardust baby, and if that isn't magickal, I don't know what is!
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Sure, we're all living our own lives and having somewhat unique experiences. Each one of us helping the Universe to learn more so that it can do better with each new creation, each new life born, and we also get to learn from it all too (hopefully). Hence the phrase, "As within, so without" as well as "As above, so below". Two very well known phrases that reflect the interconnectedness of all that is in existence.
So the next time you're feeling down and alone, think about that. I know it seems silly to some to think that the very same things that run through our body and make us we share with a flower, or a tree or even the dirt in the ground. But it's true. Me personally, I sort of find it comforting in a lot of ways.
I've had this discussion with many people, and I get the same question almost every time. How is this comforting?
Because when you look at it all, at the end of the day, none of us are actually alone after all. We could be having the best or worst day of our lives, thinking and feeling happiness or sadness, laughing or crying, celebrating or lamenting... And I can guarantee you that somewhere, someone else on this big beautiful planet of ours is thinking and feeling the same or very similar things. It is these moments and energy that connect us all. If you ask me, the knowledge that we're all connected somehow, that's pretty comforting.
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I hope everybody had a beautiful start to their New Year! I hope this year brings with it fresh energy and everything good that we all need.
Lots of love to everyone,
Witchology, LLC