Head Space
Us humans, we're such weird little creatures sometimes! We're happy and joyful at times, and in the blink of an eye our mood can flip a switch! Such a pleasant experience! We sit there thinking to ourselves, what the hell? What even just happened? Why do I feel like crap all of a sudden? What is going on?! Yup, we can get in our own heads too much.
Yeah, Shadow Work is great. I love it because each time I go through my process I come out the other side stronger, wiser. It's truly a phenomenal tool that can tremendously benefit, well, anyone!
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However, not every single thought has to be a deep dive or needs psychoanalysis.
We are human after all. And sometimes that is enough explanation in and of itself. Sometimes it's nice to just observe our thoughts and let them be what they are instead of going into the analytical and digging into roots. We (humans) have thoughts, we have feelings and emotions, it happens because that's just part of the human experience. Just because we feel a particular way at any point doesn't mean there's something wrong or that it needs to be analyzed to death.
So what exactly am I talking about here? Example says you? Okay! Allow me to oblige! For grins and giggles, why not? Of course, it varies from person to person, but I'll use myself and a scenario from not too long ago that occurred. One not too particularly sunny morning, I found myself thinking as I woke up "Nope, not getting up. Just don't feel like it. Adulting is not in my repertoire today."
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This has happened in the past. I'll be honest, it's happened many times! And in some of those past scenarios I'd do the deep dive. I'd ask myself all the questions. Why don't you feel like getting up Denae? What is present for you currently that's making you feel this way? Is there something you don't wish to face? If so, what is it? Why are you not facing it? And yada yada yada, etc etc etc.
Again, not always necessary. So instead I just laid there for a few minutes and relaxed. I stretched out, took in some deep breaths and exhaled. Then I began to feel into my body, an energy scan if you will. Ya know, just to confirm all is well. I didn't feel any icky anywhere in my body. I wasn't feeling depressed. Nope, not anxious. There's no grimacing demons hiding in a crevice... I actually feel pretty damn good. Yup, I'm simply enjoying laying in my bed under the warm comfy covers, in complete and total silence, in a peaceful bliss. I just didn't feel like adulting, peopling, or anything else except laying there in my bed in complete relaxation. Ahhhhh, lovely!
See, there's always the flip side of the coin.
This alone is why it's so important to check in with your body. Take a minute to feel things out. Check and make sure you truly feel okay. Your body has infinite wisdom. It will tell you when and what you need - if you take the time to listen. Self care is so multi-faceted! But if you make a daily habit out of checking in with yourself, it'll become easier to recognize when those "deep dives" are actually needed.

Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/youtube-selfcare-mental-health-wellbeing-hqUHyCQLEaLD4q3aiI
My point? Absolutely do the Shadow Work! But learn to listen inside for the right rabbit holes. Do the daily check-ins. You'll know when the extra attention or work is needed.
Have your own techniques you use? Share them with us! What do your daily checkins look like? How do you keep track of your overall well being?
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